Get ready to be inspired by one of the most influential women in the Ethiopian finance industry, Mrs. Melika Bedri, CEO of Zamzam Bank. In this must-watch episode, Mrs. Melika takes us through her remarkable journey from humble beginnings as a clerk to rising as Vice President in CBE, the largest bank in Ethiopia, and eventually becoming the CEO of Zamzam Bank. She held the fort as the only female bank CEO until recently, all while juggling the demanding roles of work and family as a wife and mother of three. Discover her unique leadership style, praised by her former colleagues for its blend of compassion and strict professionalism.
As a founding member and CEO of Ethiopia’s first full-fledged interest-free bank, Mrs. Melika provides a wealth of experience and insight into Shariah-compliant finance (Islamic Banking). Don’t miss this captivating conversation tomorrow, which promises to motivate and empower you!